Senin, 30 September 2019

CICoin ~ Investment tool based on Blockchain?..


CICoin is an investment tool of the new generation. The slogan sounds like this: "Invest smartly - invest with ideas". CICoin was created to provide an opportunity for our partners to receive stable revenue and benefit from all the advantages of blocking technology.
Invest smartly - invest profits.
Get guaranteed daily income and bonuses when signing a contract. With CICoin, you no longer need to freeze your investment. The Cryptoinvestment program works on the principle of allocating investment capital to the portfolio and trading strategies on the exchange to maximize profits with minimal risk.

Contribute keenly - contribute securely:
We consider the pattern of record and present day innovation, we utilize our own particular experience and want to make new headings. We figured out how to chip away at money markets and coordinate a decentralized computerized exchanging stage. Over the previous year, the yield is 10 806.6%, that is, we just increment speculation portfolio right around 108 times. Our methodology enables us to get steady positive monetary outcomes, regardless of high instability in the digital currency showcase.
Contribute admirably - contribute easily:
12,000,000 tokens.Without outflows. We will issue 12,000,000 tokens. 10 000 of them will be appropriated among our accomplices. CICoin depends on keen contracts utilizing the ERC-20 convention, which guarantees outflows straightforwardness.
Around the globe with no confinements:
Blocking innovation gives you a chance to make installments around the globe without time and volume limitations. Exchanges are free of banks, middle people, or other budgetary establishments.
Feel yourself ensured:
Blockchain innovation guarantees the security and straightforwardness everything being equal. Money related establishments can not oversee installments: all exchanges are independent and decentralized plans.
furthermore, totally mysterious:
All CICoin exchanges are totally unknown around the globe. Every client can track any exchange, yet no one sees who began it.
Take in More:
The crypto venture program
The crypto venture program will be accessible in five distinct variations: 5, 15, 30, 75 and 120 days, separately 10%, 38%, 81%, 225% and 420% of ensured income. The base day by day pay ensured is 0.3%. You can utilize CICoin to enter one of the agreements, get an ensured day by day pay and rewards you get to finish your agreement.
The Cryptoinvestment program chips away at the rule of allotting speculation cash-flow to the portfolio and exchanging procedures on the trade to boost benefits with negligible hazard. This instrument is chosen utilizing a smart programming bundle in view of the calculation to ascertain the volume development efficiency utilizing an extraordinarily created show for choosing fluid sets in light of polynomial relapse with dynamic grouping examination.
A powerful Stop Loss calculation is additionally used to decrease potential misfortunes in the market negative progression.
Advantages and disadvantages:
In the crypto business everybody has for some time been acquainted with negative encounters
Ventures that control token costs on household trades, confront claims from controllers and contributors, can not pull back their own particular assets from inward wallets. After the achievement of one of the main tasks, many "fake felines" rose, which labored for 2-3 months and afterward shut, in light of the fact that they utilized the same wasteful model. After some time, the referral program ends up further and more extensive. This circumstance causes numerous free and additional tokens.
In this way, ventures confront circumstances in which they are inadequate, or might be unwilling to satisfy their commitments to financial specialists.
Rather, we are making new stages for accomplices and financial specialists searching for a long haul and legit way to deal with working with us. To stay away from assertions of controlling token costs, CIC exchanging will just occur on the outside trades. This totally disposes of the likelihood that the venture overseer influences the token cost.
In that capacity, we have built up an ideal venture program that empowers you to get an ensured every day pay without solidifying your assets for quite a while.
For more information:

Mytherwallet: 0xA32436df1c536E052FA9AEb6993A01D88084b7Bf

Jumat, 27 September 2019


Teknologi Blockchain tidak dapat disangkal mengubah wajah industri musik digital. Namun,
layanan musik blockchain yang ada hanya berfokus pada peningkatan
struktur streaming dan distribusi yang mapan , dan gagal mengatasi masalah mendasar dari industri saat ini. Produk musik masa depan yang
dikembangkan dengan blockchain, tidak seperti pendahulunya, harus memanfaatkan teknologi untuk menyediakan
fungsi-fungsi inovatif yang merevolusi industri musik pada intinya.
Maestro adalah sebuah revolusi dunia musik digital, platform streaming musik berbasis blockchain bagi para seniman dan pendengar, tujuan Maestro adalah mendesentralisasikan semua bidang layanan. Tim Maestro telah meninjau teknologi untuk menerapkan transmisi file, streaming, dan fungsi lainnya menggunakan server terdistribusi. Sistem Maestro akan menggunakan sistem server terdistribusi yang disebut IPFS (The InterPlanetary File System) untuk mentransmisikan file streaming. Maestro terutama terdiri dari dua bagian: “Symphony,” layanan streaming, dan “Ensemble,” pusat crowdfunding. Seniman dapat mengumpulkan dana untuk proyek mereka sebelum produksi melalui Ensemble. Setelah menyelesaikan proyek, mereka kemudian dapat mendistribusikan kreasi mereka dan menghasilkan pendapatan melalui Symphony. Distribusi dan penanganan hak, hak cipta, dan transaksi semuanya dilakukan secara transparan melalui Symphony sesuai dengan data yang dicatat pada blockchain Maestro. Masalah
Masalah saat ini seperti kerugian bagi seniman, struktur untung yang tidak adil, Streaming telah mengubah cara orang mengonsumsi musik. Pendengar tidak lagi membeli seluruh album dan malah membayar biaya bulanan tetap untuk streaming musik. Namun, pergeseran fokus pasar dari penjualan musik individu ke streaming telah menjadi bermasalah karena struktur yang lebih tidak normal terbentuk dan seniman menerima kompensasi yang lebih sedikit untuk pekerjaan mereka. Proses produksi saat ini, perusahaan Produksi menerima pendanaan sebagai investasi dari label untuk menghasilkan musik. Dengan demikian, mereka mentransfer terlebih dahulu hak eksklusif untuk distribusi. Bahkan jika hanya sebagian dari hak yang ditransfer, artis hanya harus mendistribusikan musik mereka melalui label. Struktur yang tidak memadai untuk seniman baru merupakan solusi mendasar bagi industri musik ‘ Masalah-masalah tidak terletak hanya dalam mengamankan hak-hak para seniman. Untuk benar-benar meningkatkan hak seniman, struktur layanan streaming, dan struktur distribusi keuntungan industri, kita harus fokus pada masalah utama modal. Dan ada banyak masalah lainnya.

Dan Maestro memberi solusi untuk masalah di atas Crowdfunding untuk Produksi Musik Untuk menciptakan ekosistem musik yang mencakup semua, Maestro berfokus pada pemecahan masalah modal dan menyediakan layanan streaming streaming berbasis streaming. Maestro akan memecahkan masalah ini melalui crowdfunding. Model yang Masuk akal dan Terobosan untuk Konsumen Metode Maestro akan membawa lebih banyak manfaat bagi konsumen juga. Layanan Maestro memiliki kebijakan penetapan harga yang masuk akal di mana konsumen membayar sesuai dengan jumlah lagu yang benar-benar dialirkan. Jika konsumen tidak menggunakan salah satu layanan yang disediakan, mereka tidak dikenakan biaya. Maestro memberikan insentif kepada konsumen dengan mengizinkan paket berlangganan yang masuk akal murni berdasarkan penggunaan.
Maestro (tautan ke kertas putih) sedang membangun ekosistem terdesentralisasi baru bagi para pencipta dan penonton industri musik. Dengan menghilangkan pihak ketiga yang tidak perlu yang saat ini mengambil hingga 40% dari pendapatan yang dihasilkan, para seniman akan mendapatkan keuntungan yang pantas mereka dapatkan; pendengar akan menikmati musik dengan biaya lebih rendah.

Secara keseluruhan diagram struktur Maestro
#Platform ini menyediakan dua Dapps: Ensemble dan Symphony.
#Ensemble: Pusat Crowdfunding untuk Seniman dan Penggemar
Ensemble akan memberi para seniman metode pengumpulan dana yang aman, transparan, dan langsung untuk proyek-proyek baru atau yang sudah ada. Para penggemar yang berkontribusi pada proyek, di sisi lain, akan dapat langsung terlibat dengan proses kreatif artis favorit mereka. Maestro percaya bahwa ekosistem semacam itu akan menguntungkan kedua belah pihak dan membuka perbatasan baru untuk hubungan artis-penonton.
#Symphony: Layanan Streaming untuk Kreator dan Konsumen
Symphony akan melayani industri musik dunia dengan sistem distribusi yang adil dan efisien. Para pencipta, di satu sisi, akan dapat mengambil bagian yang berhak atas laba yang layak mereka dapatkan. Konsumen, di sisi lain, akan menikmati layanan streaming musik yang sama dan mulus dengan biaya lebih murah. Diberdayakan oleh Interplanetary File System (IPFS) yang akan berfungsi pada jaringan EOS, Symphony akan memberikan musik berkualitas tinggi hanya dengan sentuhan jari.
Pendanaan dan Distribusi Token
MAEs disediakan melalui snapshot dari dompet di Ensemble. Keuntungan platform dialokasikan sekali per minggu. Tujuan tim Maestro adalah mendesentralisasikan struktur laba melalui teknologi blockchain. Semua keuntungan platform dipengaruhi oleh jumlah MAE yang dimiliki. Token yang tidak terjual akan
dimusnahkan. Karena inflasi, penerbitan token tambahan diharapkan terjadi sekali per tahun, dan penerbitan lebih lanjut dilarang sebagai suatu peraturan.
Nama Token – Simbol Token Token Maestro
Harga MAE
1 ETH = 10.000 MAE
Token untuk dijual – 620.000.000 MAE
Token yang tidak terjual akan dibakar.
Tujuan untuk Mencapai:
Soft cap untuk ICO: Tidak ada
hard cap untuk ICO: 62.000 ETH
Tim Maestro sedang berjalan dengan proyek tersebut, dengan dana 500 juta KRW. Konsekuensinya, tidak ada batasan yang ditetapkan, dan proyek akan tetap berjalan terlepas dari apakah kita
mencapai jumlah target atau tidak. Setelah ICO ke-2, tidak akan ada penjualan token tambahan.
Mei, 2018
Lanjutkan dengan pemasaran lanjutan untuk seniman
Juni, 2018
Penjualan pribadi untuk perusahaan investasi dan pengadopsi awal
1st, 2nd ICO
Juli, 2018
Tandatangani MOU dengan perusahaan-perusahaan besar yang berkolaborasi
November, 2018
Terdaftar di bursa
Rilis versi demo v1.0
Menyelesaikan 100 perusahaan pendanaan artis yang dipimpin oleh Maestro
Mei, 2019
Peluncuran Resmi Platform Mainnet
Mytherwallet: 0xA32436df1c536E052FA9AEb6993A01D88084b7Bf


( A Blockchain system based on EOS.IO )

Maestro is focusing on the rapid development of software for a smooth service for the music platform. Master uses blockchain technology based on EOS.IO. We chose EOS.IO due to its high scalability using parallel CPUs, very high speed and free transactions based on DPOS. To maximize the benefits for artists and minimize the burdens for consumers, Maestro uses a blockchain based on EOS.IO that does not require any individual transaction fee from users. The cost of the block chain is charged to the developer using EOS.IO. There are no costs other than the coins deposited in the developer. We use the EOS.IO blockchain technology to increase the benefits of decentralization for all users.
The goal of Maestro is to decentralize all service areas. Maestro's team has reviewed the technology to implement file transmission, transmission and other functions using distributed servers. The Master System will use a distributed server system called IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) to transmit transmission files. IPFS is a distributed file system that uses a structure to connect computers to the same file system.
IPFS has implemented a web based server and client using a P2P method. Previously, websites could only be maintained using a centralized server. With IPFS, websites can be distributed and maintained without a centralized remote server. In other words, even if a server becomes inoperable, the files are distributed through P2P, which allows them to be shared without delay. 
EOS.IO uses IPFS to implement distributed storage, which is also the reason why EOS.IO was chosen for the Master system. Developers using the EOS.IO platform place a certain amount of coins to ensure CPU and storage usage for the EOS.IO blockchain. As the owner of the Maestro tokens, Maestro assigns the benefits generated by its platform to all other card holders.
Maestro also has assigned the platform's earnings based on the number of tokens we have. Part of these allocated tokens will be used to buy and deposit EOS coins to ensure smooth operation of the Maestro system, leading to maintenance and quality service improvement. Maestro will progressively update the Maestro system, according to the development stage of EOS.IO.
The Master team promises to manage the project efficiently and decentralize service operations progressively. We try to address any of the problems or uncertainties found in other music platform projects, and we expect to operate and expand our operation in a practical and rational manner.

Profit structure of the teacher

( Blockchain record structure of Ensemble )
Maestro manages the rights of all the songs in Ensemble. The rights and property details of each song are recorded in the EOS.IO network through intelligent contracts. User IDs and addresses are linked through synchronization with the account management server, and song rights are also synchronized.
Mission and Goals :
"Create a productive environment where artists receive active support, a structure in which the rights of creative works are equitably allocated and an ecosystem where artists and investors can cooperate to share benefits". The objective of Maestro is to change the current centralized management system to a decentralized platform among users with blockchain technology. In short, we want to revolutionize the music streaming industry so that the profits that are returned to artists and investors are distributed more fairly.
Inevitably, there will be obstacles to implementing new technology in a mature music industry. The new technology must harmonize with the current structure of the industry and must be accepted by all interested parties. Barriers to entry are even higher due to the strong culture and traditional conventions of the industry. Therefore, Maestro's team will focus mainly on the segments where blockchain technology can be implemented realistically. It must be reconciled with the existing bureaucratic music industry to move quickly.
Tokens :
The MAEs are provided through snapshots of the portfolios in Ensemble. The benefits of the platform are assigned once a week. The goal of the Master team is to decentralize the profit structure through blockchain technology. All the benefits of the platform are affected by the number of MAEs that are maintained. The unsold tokens will be destroyed. Due to inflation, the issuance of additional tokens is expected to take place once a year, and additional issuance is generally prohibited.
Soft cover for ICO: none
Hard cover for ICO: 62,000 ETH

The Maestro team is already underway with the project, with a funding of 500 million KRW. Consequently, there is no flexible limit established, and the project will continue regardless of whether we achieve the target amount or not. After the 2nd ICO, there will be no additional sales of tokens.
Token Assignment:

Use of Token after ICO:

The total use of tokens can be divided into five components: 40% in engineering and software development; 25% in marketing and business development; 15% in operational expenses; and 10% each for license fees and legal expenses.


May - 2018

Continue to improve marketing for the artist
June - 2018
Private capital for investment companies and the first company that uses ICO 1.2
Sign a memorandum of understanding with the main companies
November 2018
Published on the exchange
Demo version released v1.0
Complete 100 companies that sponsor artists, led by the Maestro
May - 2019

Official version of Mainnet

Maestro's team is already working on the project and there is a KRW 500 million loan. Therefore, soft caps are not installed and the project will act independently of whether protection is reached or not. After the second ICO, there will be no additional tokens.

For more information we invite you to visit the following Links:

Selasa, 24 September 2019

AUTOBLOCK ~ Defacto Payment Solutions For Cryptocurrency Car Buyers ?..

Welcome to the entire network, I am enthusiastic about the crypto coins and an adherent of good undertakings. In this new production I might want to display the AUTOBLOCK venture. I'm certain you've heard a great deal about Blockchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Crytocurrencies, ICO... be that as it may, AUTOBLOCK blockchain is the coolest, and for more points of interest we're heading off to the accompanying themes:
On the off chance that we watch how society has advanced, from inborn social orders we have moved to an alternate social structure in the cutting edge world where individuals work specializedly and can do as such in a worldwide domain, from anyplace on the planet because of the approach of innovation and Internet.
The reason for The Auto Block venture is to convey a protected car industry devoted digital currency that will be received via auto merchants worldwide as the defacto installment answer for cryptographic money auto purchasers. Our business gateway, offers an immense selection of vehicles available to be purchased by merchants that acknowledge cryptographic money as installment. Decentralizing the supply of information and data accessible inside the car business and offering the most precise and live auto valuation device, auto merchants and purchasers will have a 21st Century 'one stop' answer for vehicle buy, information and valuation get to.
Arrangements Set to Revolutionize the Automotive Sector:
The Auto Block offers a one of a kind arrangement of items which will adjust cryptographic money to the standard car industry by influencing vehicle exchanges to anchor, quick while additionally giving you full access to the acquired vehicle's chronicled information, NVD (New vehicle information), and valuations. Giving straightforwardness to the purchaser, and in addition the vender.
What Makes The Auto Block Stand Out:
We're changing the manner in which individuals purchase, offer and research autos. AutoBlock will change the car business and make it straightforward so deals and buys can happen without accidents.
An auto deals entry for auto merchants that acknowledge the AutoCoin to publicize their stock for nothing out of pocket, opening up new markets for them. At first, esteem, execution and great autos being executed over the globe utilizing AutoCoin, took after all at once by volume auto merchants.
Set to upset utilized auto valuations and vehicle information, Auto Block's central goal is to serve experts, for example, insurance agencies, auto merchants and renting organizations in the engine business with precise and simple access to information and valuations. The Blockchain innovation used to accumulate the continuous valuations with the assistance of live information will result in a rich database of all vehicle details which exist all through the world. The Auto Block's innovation will make it workable for people and organizations alike to get to data about auto information and valuations regardless of where they are.
In the event that you need more data about this venture and you need to get data about specialized determinations and other fascinating data, we can just urge you to peruse a definite report with which you can get a thought of the extent of the task and its conceivable extension and applications. We welcome you to visit the WHITEPAPER and connect with us through the Telegram gathering. Try not to miss this extraordinary open door that this awesome group offers you.
Auto Coin and it's utilization
Making exchanges speedier, less demanding, and a great deal more secure
While the Auto Block cryptographic money has a considerable rundown of convincing reasons why you should consider adjusting it, here are some which are the most obvious.
Fundamentally lower exchange expenses – you pay with no extra bank charges.Security against Identity Theft. No Visa or bank points of interest being put away by third parties.Easy International installments that don't require long and extended swapping scale considerations.Very most elevated amount of misrepresentation avoidance. TheAutoCoin uses Block Chain innovation and guarantees that fakes and chargebacks are unrealistic.
How can it function?
Our Eco-System
At the core of AutoBlock is our half and half blockchain innovation, using the best of open and private blockchains. This will consider the consistent exchange of vehicle information utilizing keen contracts which frames the establishment of our reasonable vehicle valuations stage; acquiring an auto through the entrance, exchanging the assets in a split second and trading out the returns in for spendable dough either fiat, crypto or both by means of our inner trade.
There will be an aggregate of 400 Million Autocoins, of which 220 Million (55%) will be accessible at all phases of the token deal.
1 Autocoin = $0.25
Private deal: Insert dates
Pre-ICO: Insert dates
Crowdsale: Insert dates
Delicate Cap: 5,000 Eth
Hard Cap: 40,000 Eth
Assignment OF FUNDS
Exchange Connect: 11%
Research and development: 23%
Tasks: 10%
Promoting: 8%
Authorizing and Legal: 7%
Review: 5%
Gift Fund: 30%
Abundance: 6%
Assignment OF TOKENS
Pre Sale and ICO: 55%
Group: 15%
Hold: 19%
Reward and Rewards: 6%
Seed Round : 5%
Join our group and purchase your TOKENS AUTOBLOCK Project now and appreciate the advantages offered by the most beneficial stage in the market. Try not to squander any additional time and join our Telegram amass so you can speak with us and elucidate any inquiries you may have. Try not to miss this incredible open door offered by the AUTOBLOCK Project
Exploit the accessible rewards from the beginning times of pre-deal. (ICO). Visit our WEBSITE so you can discover more about the advantages of this awesome undertaking.
For more data, we welcome you to visit the accompanying connections:
Eth address: 0xA32436df1c536E052FA9AEb6993A01D88084b7Bf

Senin, 23 September 2019

About ARENA Space Ico ?...

VR theme park chain around the world
ARena Space is a set of 6 functioning amusement parks that use an expanded virtual reality technology. Through ICO, we will become the first global chain of parks with internal payments based on blockchain technology. More than 20,000 customers have tried our attractions and are really satisfied.

Typical park
A virtual and interactive entertainment park for the whole family with an area of 500 square meters. It consists of several thematic areas with unique media-space installations and interactive interactive elements that provide guests with the widest variety of impressions and cover a diverse audience of visitors.
4 base areas in each park

1 Park VR

Dozens of attractions cover a wide spectrum of tastes and cater to a large audience, children, families and groups, along with multiplayer content and VR cyber tournaments.

2 VR Full Blush

Group experience along with full VR immersion, freedom of movement for groups of 4-10 people and stunning amazing content - quests, shooters along with high average tickets.
3 Immersive interactive quests

Immersive interactive quest along with adding virtual and augmented reality, projection walls, attractions for kids and digital animators

4 Cafe and Party Room

For th party and th re celebration. client.

World Wide Projects
the investment function at the Hachim Arena is based on the increase in the value of ARenaCoin hereafter because of the opening of new locations and increased client quantity in all the world.
In addition, B2B customers can place advertisements / goods in physical locations, inside virtual content (digital product placements) and access to ARena Space customer base.
Mitra ARENA Space b2b like a franchisee will generate additional requests for tokens.
Investors will be spending ARenaCoin on PreICO and ICO's share with significant discounts, in PreSale and ICO with bonuses. It is very likely that future investors will use ARenaCoin to exchange facilities / goods or sell them at ARENA Space MarketPlace to an increasing rate because of the company's growth.

Invest now with 55% discount!
Smartcontract address 0xad3bC6091eCB30372005bDfbfA42EF4089EA4a74
1 ARE = 0,45$=0,0015 ETH

(200,000 Gas should be enough)
More information about ICO

October-November, 2017Pre-ICO. Marketing and preparation for ICO. Launch of the first phase of 1st location building in Moscow.
Min fund target is $200K, Optimal fund target is $600K

November 2017-February 2018ICO. Establishing HQ in Switzerland. Raising investments for the first 5 ARena Space VR parks creation at the world core locations (Las Vegas, Barcelona, Dubai, Beijing, Moscow). Signing partnerships with local partners for operations and marketing. Min fund target is $1.5M, Optimal fund target is $8.1M<

First 500 sqm VR Park in Moscow?
November 2017 - March 2018First big VR park building (500 sqm) in Moscow. Preparation for VR parks building in key locations. Local managing companies are established. Team and local partnerships. Production of equipment and content.

5 VR parks are launched. Scaling?
February 2018 - December 20184 more parks are opened inLas Vegas, Beijing, Barcelona, Dubai. Franchisees are developed in other regions in 80-300 sqm format. Potential revenue of the company is $7M. First 300K clients worldwide. First VR cyber tournament is held in our locations.

Our parks!
Saint Petersburg

Team Arena Space!!
Vasily Ryzhonkov --Founder, CEO 
Rafail Galiev----------Product Director
Alexei Pechkin-------Technical Director, Inventor
Ahmedulina Albina-Commercial Director
Timofey Sukharev--Chief Operating Officer
Zelenkina Margarita--Director of Development
Olga Logvina--Marketing & Event
Boris Shugaev--Project manager
Darya Babkova--Analyst

Advisory board Arena Space!
Brun Paul--Role: Art Dircetor, creation of unique content
Alexey Mehonoshin--Role: Investor Relations, corporate processes, Member of Board of Directors
Tony Watkins--Role: partnership networking among leaders in GameDev industry
Soren Fog--Role: partnerships, european local partners in Switzerland, blockchain consultant
Alexander Kozhevnikov--Role: international expansion, international marketing, GameDev partnerships
Sergey Fradkov--Role: business development in North America

For more information about Arena Space below visit :

AUTHOR: surati
Mytherwallet: 0xA32436df1c536E052FA9AEb6993A01D88084b7Bf