Sabtu, 31 Agustus 2019

ICO Review POZESS?..

About POZESS!!!
POZESS is a photo curated social marketplace that instantly connects consumers with businesses and helps consumers discover one-of-a-kind designs in fashion accessories, luxury goods and lifestyle products curated by the user community. At POZESS, users earn cryptocurrency rewards for social activities such as, posting images, liking, sharing, commenting, referring and adding new businesses by merely curating their product images from their websites.
WHAT IS POZESS – POZESS is a photo curated social marketplace that instantly connects consumers with businesses and helps consumers discover one-of-a-kind designs in fashion accessories, luxury goods and lifestyle products curated by the user community. At POZESS, users earn cryptocurrency rewards for social activities such as, posting images, liking, sharing, commenting, referring and adding new businesses by merely curating their product images from their websites.
THE MARKET – Over 3 billion people use social networks, and $4.88 Trillion is projected to be spent on retail e-commerce worldwide by 2021. The fashion accessories and apparel market alone is expected to reach $713 Billion by the year 2022. The widespread adoption of powerful smartphones and the high-bandwidth Internet is driving the continued and rapid growth of social media and online e-commerce.
THE PLATFORM – POZESS provides a responsive mobile (Android and IOS) and web platform in a P2P model for shoppers and sellers to interact in a social environment. POZESS charges merchants and sellers on a per-transaction basis with no long-term contracts or up-front costs. Our customers are fashion lovers who are enthusiastic about discovering new modern design and products and small to medium businesses that create trendy, stylish and innovative fashion and lifestyle products.
THE VALUE – The financial value created by the online marketplace via cryptocurrency tokens can enable network contributors such as Bloggers, Social Media Community, Content Curators, Influencers, Merchants and Shoppers to programmatically receive an equitable, proportionate share of the value created by the network they comprise. We are using blockchain to provide a transparent trust-based solution for international operations. Tokenization with smart contracts eliminates the middleman in direct financial transactions.
The mission of POZESS is to?
#Help lesser known businesses and their audience in an easy and cost-effective manner
#Help consumers discover new and inspiring fashion and lifestyle products from around the world
#Reduce or eliminate transaction fraud
#Improve visibility of products, giving equal opportunity to merchants to have their products found
#Share pro ts and give a sense of ownership to participants for helping build a network
#Reduce complexities in the listing process and provide services to help businesses succeed
#Provide a fun, engaging and entertaining platform
POZESS has put together a team of highly experienced professionals to achieve an important goal – to be the leader in cryptocurrency-based social commerce. To accomplish this goal, we had invested our time, money and resources in building a platform before we reached out to investors. Our prototype already has existing paying users, and our alpha version is getting ready to be released. 
Online e-commerce is expected to reach $4.8 Trillion over the next 3-4 years, fiat based traditional marketplaces are going to continue to grow, and the market share of crypto-based transactions are expected to skyrocket to astronomical levels soon. 
The blockchain based application market is at its infancy, and online marketplaces based on cryptocurrency are below 1%. We strongly feel this is the right time and the opportunity for POZESS to develop and expand as an early entrant to this enormous market. I want to thank you for supporting the POZESS project personally. Together let us reinvent the way people shop online.
POZESS is a place to discover exclusive modern fashion, lifestyle and tech products, curated by the user community. Users earn cryptocurrency rewards for social activities like posting photos, likes and shares.
Discover the latest designs of fashion, lifestyle and tech curated by the user community from various parts of the world.
Participate in real- time live sales by unlocking the lowest prices for a limited time
Follow, message, share with other members and merchants of the community. Participate in voting and forum discussions
Earn rewards in crypto tokens for network building activites such as posting photos, liking, sharing, following and inviting friends
Merchant storefronts are created automatically. The platform provides omni-channel marketing, dashboard to monitor sales and service to ship products conveniently
Users invite merchants to list on Pozess when they like, share or add new products
A storefront is automatically created for sellers and merchants.
Smart contract eliminates middleman fees and secures the entire transaction. Merchants are paid only when product reaches the buyer
Purchase using PZS tokens, cryptocurrencies or Fiat!
Discover Unique products curated by the user community.
Boutique Merchants invited by the users
Token Rewards for Posts, Likes and Shares.
Verified Sellers and Reviews.
Social Networking and Interaction Opportunities
Smart Contract based Secure Transactions and Shipping
Total Token Supply: PZS
Accepted Currency: BTC, ETH, Fiat
Project Protocol: ERC 20
Circulation Supply: 504.000.000 PZS
Soft Cap: 2.5 M USD
Hard Cap: 40 M USD
50% Crowdsale
Tokens distributed to the general public and investors
15% Team
Tokens reserved for team members
10% Reward
Tokens reward for early adopters for creating value
7% Advisors
Token rewards for the advisor team
5% Partnership
Tokens reserved for key strategic partnerships & merger
3% Bounty
Tokens distributed to the participants of the bounty program
10% Company
Token reserved for company use and mitigating risks
28% Business Development
Business Development and Market Penetration
27% Marketing
Omnichannel marketing and promotions
5% Salaries
Team salaries and expenses
10% Operations
Operations & Support
10% Technology
Platform development, future enhancements & research
10% Admin & Legal
Admin & Legal Expenses
1o% Company
Contingency fund for company use and mitigating risks
We believe that behind every successful venture is a vision, a great team and a well executed plan.Our roadmap below is our plan to achieve success.
2017 AUG
The idea of Pozess and initial design
2017 SEPT
Formation of core team, requirements, design, and development
2018 JAN
Complete Blockchain component requirement and analysis and begin Blockchain and tokensale design
2018 JULY
First version of Website, iOS, and Android app completed.
White paper development, review, and token sale preparation complete
Start Token Private Sale. Bounty and Airdrop campaigns.
Start Public Crowdsale. Initial Merchant Aquisitions & Key Partnerships
2019 MAY
End Crowdsale. Distribute Tokens
2019 JUNE
Complete development of smart contract and blockchain components
2019 JULY
Launch of omnichannel marketing campaign for Pozess
2019 AUG
Release Beta version of the Pozess Platform


Mytherwallet: 0xA32436df1c536E052FA9AEb6993A01D88084b7Bf

4ARTechnologies: решение самой большой проблемы ART?...

О 4АРтехнологии:

4ARTechnologies - это платформа для работы с каталогами и транзакциями, которая обеспечивает большую прозрачность, безопасность и эффективность процессов в мире искусства Платформа будет сочетать технологию аутентификации и проверки подлинности и проверки художественных работ.

Платформа 4ART как услуга помогает пользователям поддерживать все свидетельства о праве собственности, кредитование, реставрацию, транспортировку и страховое покрытие, связанные с произведениями искусства - для владельцев отдельных экспонатов, а также галерей и музеев с большими портфелями. Каждая услуга оплачивается в 4ART монет. Эти служебные токены 4ART можно приобрести за любую валюту FIAT, принятую 4ART, а затем при необходимости выкупить их за услугу.

Как это устроено:

4ARTechnologies позволяет пользователям аутентифицировать физическое изображение самого произведения искусства. Технология расширенной аутентификации будет встроена в мобильное приложение 4ART, чтобы упростить и ускорить процесс проверки.

Когда пользователи сканируют изображение и его изображение, материал, текст и цветовая гамма, программные системы системы записывают его и преобразуют в свой уникальный отпечаток. «Отпечаток» художественных произведений хранит в себе всю информацию о художественных произведениях биометрическим паспортом, которые невозможно подделать. 4ART - первая платформа в отрасли, в которой хранится информация о художественных работах и ​​их оценке, что гарантирует подлинность цифровых сертификатов и его внешний вид.

Преимущества 4ARTechnologies
Устранение мошенчества

Информация о художественном произведении записана в блокчейне, и пользователи могут проверять и аутентифицировать художественное произведение, просто сканируя его с помощью мобильного приложения. Это информация, которая хранится в блокчейне.


Благодаря использованию интеллектуальных контрактов и технологий, участвующих в транзакциях с художественным произведением, гарантируется их конфиденциальность во время транзакций. Прозрачность также будет улучшена, так как легко отслеживать историю художественных работ.

Отчеты о состоянии:

В настоящее время затруднен на рынке искусства. Через мобильное приложение 4ARTs вы сможете получать отчеты о состоянии и восстановлении практически мгновенно после завершения художественной транзакции.

Управление Портфелями:

Платформа предлагает услуги, которые могут быть использованы как владельцами произведений искусства, так и музеями или галереями с широкими спектром услуг.

Интеллектуальные контракты 4ART гарантируют, что все художники смогут зарабатывать без раскрытия информации о покупателе.

4ARTechnologies Token & ICO Подробнее:

Сервисный токен платформы - это токен 4ART, который является приемлемым методом оплаты услуг, предлагаемых на платформе 4ART. Пользователи могут приобрести токен во время ICO, используя платформу в любом приемлемом разрешении. После покупки пользователи получают бесплатный кошелек 4ART.

ICO Подробности:

Токен: 4ART

Протокол токена: Эфириум

Жесткая крышка: 250 000 000 долларов США

Мягкая шапка: 15 000 000 евро

ICO Цена 1 4ART = 0,3486 USD

Цена 1 4ART = 0,30 евро

Принимаемые способы оплаты: ETH, BTC, Fiat
Подробности о продаже токенов

В рамках проекта уже начата продажа токенов 4ART, которые можно использовать на платформе. ICO будет сопровождаться консультантами из фирмы Reichlin Hess , юристами и налоговыми консультантами из Цуга (Швейцария). Последний будет заботиться о решениях с органами власти, такими как Швейцарский орган по надзору за финансовым рынком ( FINMA ) и налоговыми органами.

Распределение токенов выглядит следующим образом: 

Цена каждого токена 4ART установлена ​​на уровне 0,08 евро для закрытой продажи группы, 0,10 евро на первом этапе Pre-ICO, 0,20 на PreICO второго этапа и, наконец, на 0 30 евро во время публичной продажи. Для инвесторов закрытых групп был определен период блокировки, в течение которого токены 4ART должны храниться в течение 6 месяцев после ICO.

В заключение могу сказать, что проект очень интересный. Если команда выполнит все обещания, это, безусловно, будет первым проектом в мире, который позволит вам отслеживать все произведения искусства через блокчейн. Я приглашаю вас углубить свои знания на платформе 4ART по проекту Whitepaper, доступному по следующей ссылке:

Чтобы приобрести токены 4ART, просто перейдите на веб-сайт проекта и нажмите «Купить токены 4ART». В настоящее время проект находится в стадии публичной продажи, поэтому стоимость каждого токена составляет 0,30 евро. До сегодняшнего дня до конца распродажи осталось 28 дней, а проект достиг 24 000 000 евро!

Команда задействована:

командой консультантов:

Будьте в курсе последних новостей проекта. Ниже приведены социальные контакты проекта:

Mytherwallet: 0xA32436df1c536E052FA9AEb6993A01D88084b7Bf

Jumat, 30 Agustus 2019


Since the emergence of blockchain technology in 2008 when Satoshi Nakamoto introduced bitcoin, there have been rigorous efforts to apply the blockchain to several aspects of the global business process, Blockchain technology has been described as having the potential to disrupt many industries with a low-cost transaction, immutability, and enhanced security. In the years that have followed, many other blockchain implementations have been developed with each one exhibiting unique features tailored to specific use-cases.
Blockchain has made it possible to issue just about any asset via a distributed ledger framework. With the aid of cryptocurrency tokens, these assets can be given economic value in order to initiate and validate several transactional processes. Several on-chain protocols have been developed by a number of startups and established companies alike in order to create blockchain-based solutions.
As more technological advancements are uncovered, 433 Token, a crypto token developed to create an ecosystem which will enable the integration of the blockchain technology with football came on board.
Decentralized Payment Processing
The payment processing framework for global commerce is based on a centralized system which requires the services of third-party authenticators. These third-party agents are responsible for ensuring the fidelity of the global payments system and they charge fees for their services. One of the fundamental philosophies behind the operation of the blockchain is the removal of these third-party agents and their associated cost of trust and replacing them with a robust, functioning distributed ledger payment framework.
Creating an Immutable System of Record
The blockchain is the first successful implementation of the distributed ledger framework. On public blockchains, the distributed ledger constitutes an immutable system of records that is available to all participants. The immutability of a blockchain ensures that it is tamper-proof.
Reducing Cost of Transaction
Payment processing remains the basic level of commerce but it is one that has not seen much in the way of evolution since the emergence of fintech protocols. Blockchain technology has the potential to disrupt commerce by causing a paradigm shift in the mechanism by which transactions are carried out. The fees charged by third-party actors and middlemen in the payment chain constitute a considerable portion of the cost of transactions. By eliminating the middlemen, the cost of transaction is materially diminished.
Enhanced Security:
Operating on a multinational scale opens up any enterprise to the activities of hackers looking to breach the structural and functional integrity of the platform. Blockchain technology offers a robust security framework that makes it difficult for hackers to make an incursion into the platform. There is no central point of failure and hence no single point of entry for malicious digital attacks. This ensures the safety and security of the data collected by field agents and the payment processing network. that provides an accurate accounting for the entire platform.
Many traditional football fans feel increasingly alienated from corporate ownership and commercial necessity, a resistance site emerges where football fans try to empower themselves and increase their influence.
On the one hand, soccer fans do not have a platform where they can be involved in decision making, support or ownership of their team. Frustration among fans repeatedly caused riots and violence. On the other hand, many football clubs fail to meet their annual budget obligations and feel like their professional and financial efforts are not valued.
Blockchain and cryptocurrencies are one of the hottest and most discussed topics on our planet. While we are still waiting for the ultimate breakthrough and mass market penetration, we get exposed to a variety of startups and potential use cases for almost every industry and once again the sports industry seems to be a late adopter, with no significant news or success stories but that changed quite recently. With the implementation of 433 Token, creating an ecosystem where Blockchain technology has been incorporated into soccer, in order to make the sport more transparent, secure and scalable, while at the same time bridging the gap between the soccer superstars and their fans.

Football Legends Ltd. is a Hong Kong startup that specializes in blockchain technology. The company hopes to launch “433 Token” by applying blockchain technology and smart contracts to football. 433 Token to go The centralized form draws the distance between the superstar and the fans.
433 Token is a crypto token developed to create an ecosystem which will enable the integration of the blockchain technology with football. The prime objective behind the development of the 433 Token is to empower and enable football fans around the world with three main functions:
Sponsoring the star to nurture rookie players,
Participating on the star auction event,
Voted the venue of the football legend league game, star lineup, game form and so on.
“The Mission
By implementing Blockchain technology and Smart Contracts, 433 Token Ecosystem will bridge the gap between soccer superstars, youth talents and fans.
By decentralizing, it aspires to make the most popular sport on Earth more transparent, efficient and democratic.
The Vision:
By using 433 Token, everyone in the world can enjoy soccer like never before. He or she will be able to:
• participate in developing the next superstar,
• interact with superstars and legends, and
• have a say in important soccer decisions.” –
(The Mission and Vision quotes were gotten from the 433Token Whitepaper –
You can take a sneak pick
About The Ecosystem:
The 433 Token Ecosystem will bring Blockchain technology and Smart Contracts to football, making the sport more transparent and efficient, while at the same time empowering fans with capabilities they could only dream of before. In doing this for the 3 billion football fans around the world, 433 Tokens will, in return, promote Blockchain technology and its acceptance all over the world.
433 Tokens, designed as a ERC-20 token with its DApps and Ecosystem to be run on the Ethereum platform, available for football fans of all ages without any provision for betting or gambling. The 433 Token will allow fans to help in the development of the next football star, interact with the legends of the game, also have a say in the things that matter on the field.
433 Tokens will allow the people around the world to sponsor the mentors, the current legends, to search for the next star in the game. This cryptocurrency will also allow the investors to bid on events, which will reward them with a chance to have a special moment with the legends themselves, whether it is a simple lunch or a Fans vs Legends football match. The 433 Token will allow the investors to vote for the events and the venues at which star-studded Global Legends Series exhibition games will take place. All the above will be done through blockchain technology, allowing transparency, security, and scalability.
433 Token has been developed by Soccer Legends Limited, a company co-founded by entrepreneurs Jason Sze and Raymond Wong. Other members of the team include Dr. Wailok Tam, Alex Fong, and Anthony Huang, all serving key roles in the company. There are nine advisors on board as well, along with football legends like Andriy Shevchenko and Paul Scholes, who have signed up to be mentors to the upcoming stars.
How The 433Token Platform Works:
433 has three major utilities which are: sponsoring mentorship, bidding on auctions and voting on games. Under sponsoring mentorship, a selected group of legendary soccer players form a “Fellowship of Legends”, where each Legend is a Principal in the Fellowship.
Principals then pick and mentor youth talents from different soccer academies, aged 16 to 18 years. Each principal is allowed to mentor, at any time, up to 5 youth talents. The principal then offers 433 Token holders around the world, with the opportunity to sponsor his mentoring, for a certain amount of 433 tokens through the Smart Contract.
Under bidding and auction utility, a principle holds auction for special events by personally participating and giving specific personal details. Each event then coined to a unique smart contract event token for auction. The highest bidder receives the event token and enjoys personal interaction with the principle. Other bidders get back their tokens and wait for the next available opportunity. Through the Smart Contract, the principle automatically collects the 433 tokens once his event obligations have been fulfilled. If not, the tokens are returned to the bidder.
When it comes to voting on games, 433 token holders are able to vote for the venue. The city that receives the most votes hosts the game. Through the Smart Contract, tokens voted for the winning city goes to GLS, to fund the game. The winning voters receive free video streaming of the game and are also given priority tickets. Other voters get back their tokens and wait for the next available opportunity.
Token Sale and ICO Details:
The 433 Token initiative is a ERC-20 token that runs on the Ethereum blockchain. At the core of the initiative is the virtual game, the “Global Legend Series,” where participants will be able to choose game venues and player rosters. They will also be given the chance to be mentored by “legends” and participate in sports memorabilia auctions.
There will be a total of 1 Billion 433 tokens, which is the maximum supply. 30% will be offered to the public at the upcoming token sale. 35% will go to reserve, 15% to the foundation, 10% will go to the founders, 7.5% to advisors, 1.5% to the development team and 1% to the bounty program.
The token standard is ERC-20, with the price of each token being US$0.09 / token, ETH accepted, a soft cap of US$4 million and a hard cap of US$27 million.
Soccer fans of all ages from all around the world can access and invest in 433 tokens, through the 433 Token official website. There will also be no betting and gambling utilities in the 433 Token Ecosystem.
However, residents and citizens of the United States of America and The Peoples Republic of China are not eligible to participate or invest in the 433 token.
Token Details:
Token Ticker: 433
Platform: Ethereum
Type: ERC20
Total Token Supply:
Tokens for sale: 300,000,000
Acceptable currencies: ETH
Token price: 1 Token = US$0.09
300 million (30% of total supply)
The price of each Token is US $ 0.09
Currency Received by ETH
Soft Cap of US $ 4 million
Hard Cap of US $ 27 million

Token Distribution:
The Minimum Viable Product (MVP) will be the Voting module (venue-voting portion).
It is planned to be launched in 2nd Quarter 2019
A fully functional 433 Token Ecosystem is planned in 1st Quarter 2020
2014 – Q4 GLS Game Bangkok
2016 -Q1 Launch of GLS Academy, Q2 GLS Game Las Vegas
2017 – Q2 Conceptualization of 433 Ecosystem, Q3 GLS formed Strategic partnership with 433 Token founders – Q4 Project research, planning, recruitment
2018 – Q2 Andriy Shevchenko officially joined 433, Q3 Launching of 433 Token Whitepaper and Website, Q3 Paul Scholes officially joined 433, Q4 More Legends join 433, Q4 3-Phase Development of 433 Token Ecosystem
2019 – Q1 Alpha testing, Q2 Minimum Viable Product (MVP) launch, Q4 Beta Testing
2020 – Q1 Fully functioning 433 Token Ecosystem, Even more Legends join 433
NOTE: This article is just a guide to prospective clients, investors and every person scorching for a slice of this amazing project,
You can get more information about these project with huge potential by following the link below:
Mytherwallet: 0xA32436df1c536E052FA9AEb6993A01D88084b7Bf




UnbankedX is a platform where the usage of blockchain technology is being normalized and also the fact that it is a way out to reduce unemployment in the places where the resources and the opportunities are much lesser than anywhere else. UnbankedX allows people to run their business or to engage in employment with just a smartphone in their hands and also get familiar with the blockchain technology.
This diagram shows how the UnbankedX works how much of progress it is estimated to make from now till the upcoming years.



UnbankedX has close to no involvements with banking and stuff due to the fact that the banks consider them unreliable and not up to their standards as unbankedx is rather far-fetched in managing and organizing the staff and loans. But there is still a chance that unbankedx might be of some use to them in the future.


Corruption is a nuisance which only targets the poor and the needy. It forces the money out of the funds-raising platforms and multiple other government sectors just for their own benefit. It is a vital element in sabotaging the condition of the countries it gets its hands on. UnbankedX recognizes this issue a lot and that allows them to find out ways to end this by founding any kind of self-employment or other form of opportunities for the people.


Here, it is explained that in areas which are far away, it takes a lot of costs to raise the funds in any fund-raising events and even though all the money that is gained from there is distributed among the needy, it still costs a lot to even organize such events. But with the help of mobile transfers, the same deed is done in a cost-free and in a more rapid, reliable way.


Even though mobile money had made it easier for the payments and stuff to be done but there still have been limitations on mobile money due to the fact that mobile money services has low networks, and lack of exchange services among the networks.


The unbankedX offers the opportunity of their pre-token sale participants to have 10% of the tokens allotted to them while the primary ones get the 55% of the tokens. Few of these tokens will instead be utilized for media purposes and digital marketing. Also, the advisors who contribute in this project will get 5% of the tokens. Each token has a price of USD 0.06, and if there will be any leftovers, it will be distributed on SCO. The overall price for the tokens is 200,000,000.
This pie chart clearly shows how the tokens are being distributed in a manner of:
• 65% of the tokens will be used for micro financing.
• 10% is used for marketing.
• 10% is saved for founders.
• 5% is for advisors and partnerships for the project.
• -10% is used for operations of ongoing development.

Official Links for More Details:

Official Web:
